What to Eat on a Low-Calorie Diet, According to a Dietitian

Leafy Greens:  Nutrient-dense and low in calories, greens like spinach and kale are perfect for bulking up meals without adding extra calories.

Lean Proteins:  Opt for lean sources like chicken breast, fish, tofu, and legumes to meet your protein needs without excess calories.

Non-Starchy Vegetables:  Load up on veggies like peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower for fiber, vitamins, and minerals without the calorie load.

Whole Grains:  Choose whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and oats for sustained energy and fiber, keeping you fuller for longer.

Fruits:  Enjoy fruits like berries, apples, and citrus fruits for natural sweetness, fiber, and essential nutrients while keeping calories in check.


Greek Yogurt:  High in protein and low in calories, Greek yogurt is a versatile option for snacks or meals, aiding in satiety and muscle repair.

Eggs:  Packed with protein and essential nutrients, eggs are a satisfying and low-calorie option for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Soups and Broths:  Start meals with low-calorie soups or broths to increase fullness and decrease overall calorie intake.

Herbal Teas:  Sip on herbal teas like green tea or peppermint tea between meals to curb cravings and stay hydrated without added calories.

Portion Control:  Focus on controlling portion sizes of all foods, even low-calorie options, to ensure you're not overeating and staying within your calorie goals.