Try This Flavorful Broccoli Pesto Pizza Recipe Tonight!

Ingredients: – Pizza dough – Broccoli florets – Garlic – Parmesan cheese – Olive oil – Salt and pepper – Mozzarella cheese – Optional toppings: cherry tomatoes, red onion, olives

Preparing the Broccoli Pesto: – Steam broccoli until tender. – Blend broccoli with garlic, Parmesan, olive oil, salt, and pepper until smooth.

Preparing the Pizza Dough: – Roll out pizza dough on a baking sheet or pizza stone. – Pre-bake dough for a few minutes until slightly golden.

Spreading the Pesto: – Spread broccoli pesto evenly over the pre-baked pizza dough.


Adding Toppings: – Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over the pesto. – Add optional toppings like cherry tomatoes, red onion, or olives.

Baking: – Bake in a preheated oven at 425°F (220°C) for 12-15 minutes or until the crust is golden and the cheese is bubbly.

Serving: – Let the pizza cool slightly before slicing. – Serve hot and enjoy the flavorful combination of broccoli pesto and melted cheese.

Optional Garnish: – Garnish with fresh basil leaves or a drizzle of olive oil before serving for an extra burst of flavor.