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A selection of the finest Purity Vodkas, Gins, and Spritz

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A selection of the finest Purity Vodkas, Gins, and Spritz

Purity, a Swedish company that is most recognised for its unconventional container design, has evolved from producing a single vodka to producing a far larger variety of goods, which now includes four vodkas, three gins, and a bottled spritz that are all available in bottles. In recent times, everything has been renamed, but the fundamental formulas appear to have not been altered significantly. The distillate, which is produced of organic winter wheat and malted barley, is the first step in this process.

When we received a passel of items from Purity not too long ago, we were able to get a new perspective on both traditional and contemporary products. Let’s jump right in.

The 34th edition of the Purity Signature Vodka

This is a rebranding of the original vodka that Purity produced; the number 34 was chosen to represent the number of times the vodka was passed through the column still. Uncertainty surrounds the process by which it emerges from that with a delicate golden hue. A obvious but not overpowering sweetness that is evocative of cookie dough is offered by Purity 34, which appears to have been revamped and now has flavours of almondy marzipan and undertones of lemon curd. This is not quite as neutral as I remember it being in the past. In this case, the briskness of an Old World vodka is absent, which makes this less enjoyable to drink on its own. However, I can absolutely imagine it performing well in a fruit-driven cocktail such as a cosmopolitan. The lingering vanilla wafer overtones give the impression that this would also be an excellent complement to the Espresso Martini, which is now popular.

Vodka for the Purity Connoisseur 51 Reserve Whisky

Reportedly distilled 51 times over the course of twenty hours, which resulted in a product that was extremely refined. Although it is still visible, the tint of pale yellow is less prominent in this edition compared to the 34th edition. This is the absolute least that can be said. This is not even close to being considered “neutral” because there is still a significant amount of flavour in the mixture. There is more fruit, a hint of florality, and a banana character that is now apparent. The sharp, almost medicinal aspect of a vodka that is fashioned in a traditional manner becomes significantly more evident as this develops on the tongue, giving the finish a crispness that is more reminiscent of green apple. There is just more life and complexity in the vodka, which results in a spirit that is more sophisticated and flexible. Despite the fact that it still has a bit of a doughy texture, it is still present.

Dry gin made by Purity Craft Nordic brand

This standard gin, which is also marketed as Purity London Dry Gin, contains juniper, arctic berries, and botanicals such as basil, thyme, lingonberry, European blueberries, and lavender. Thus, it represents a change from the classic formula for London dry. This gin is really interesting to drink since it has a very herbaceous aroma, with a significant amount of juniper and thyme notes that are clearly apparent. In the aromatics, any greenness is tempered by a combination of flowers. Immediately noticeable on the taste is the presence of juniper, which is complemented by a fruity sweetness that may be a result of the distillate itself or, more likely, some of the berries that are included in the mixture. Towards the end, there is a gradual development of nougaty vanilla notes; yet, a slight saltiness eventually brings that sweetness under control. It is a flexible gin that works perfectly fine in cocktails with lesser proofs, and in the end, it is more uncomplicated than it originally appears to be going to be.

Gin of the quality Old Tom 34

This looks to be the same formula as the Craft Nordic gin, but with additional organic cane sugar added to it. The intention was to create a gin that was sweeter than others that were already available. Taking into consideration that Purity already possesses a certain amount of residual sweetness to begin with, you are entering terrain that is practically comparable to that of dessert with this statement. However, the flavour is dominated by sugar, which washes away a significant amount of the character that makes Purity’s normal expression more intriguing and useful. The aroma is comparable to that of something else. Throughout the entirety of the encounter, it clings to the palate in a manner that is reminiscent of sugar cookies with a hint of baking spice. Even on the end, there is a hint of milk chocolate that is almost present. The conclusion that can be drawn from all of this is that it does not taste very much like gin.

Gin with a Purity Navy Strength of 34

Put that London Dry to 57.1% alcohol by volume, and we’re going to a place that’s fascinating, don’t you think? This has a rumbling earthiness and a pine tree flavour to it, and it is brewed using the same formula as the Craft Nordic. Additionally, it has a little smokey element that is ideal for drinking throughout the winter months. Surely, that season will arrive at some point in the future, right? When it comes to the taste, it is immediately apparent that the sweet attributes of this gin require nothing more than an increase in the amount of alcohol. The sweetness is almost completely absent when the gin is at its highest strength, leaving behind a bracing and warming aspect on the tongue that maintains the focus on the most fundamental components of the gin, which are juniper, angelica, and a combination of dried or blended green herbs. Despite the fact that it is undoubtedly somewhat alcoholic, the finish may be described as having an exceptional length and a punch that is driven by charcoal that clings to you and is unable to escape.

The Purity Spritz 34 Citrus from the Mediterranean

The official description of this product is that it is a citrus-flavored variant of the company’s original vodka, and it is intended to be mixed with sparkling wine in order to make a Spritz. Again, the sweetness contributes to the experience on both the nose and the tongue, which results in the orange quality having a character that is significantly reminiscent of cinnamon. There is a lasting impression of marshmallow and vanilla, but it is important to remember that these flavours are balanced by a fair dose of Champagne or Prosecco. Having said that, there is a glaring absence of subtlety here. The vast majority of drinkers would be better off sticking with Aperol.

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